Friday, November 15, 2013

Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard: Chapter 12

A troop of monkeys find their way into the guava orchard where Sampath and his family are located at. At first, they're confused about Sampath living in one of their trees. Sampath befriends the monkeys by mimicking their behavior and sounds. The apes are startled by the food that Sampath is offered. They eventually decide to live adjacent to him, enabling them to get bits and pieces of food, which is more than they could've ever imagined. In the presence of Sampath, the monkey's behavior has completely changed. From wild, arrogant beasts, they have now tranformed into tame, calm creatures. Not only does this surprise the devotees, it also astonishes Ms. Jyotsna and Pinky who were both poor victims of the once verocious monkeys. The monkeys soon start showing care towards Sampath and even start grooming him. 
The spy on the other hand is in so much distress from both Pinky, who had attacked him with her hair pin thinking he was following her, and by Sampath. The spy is mind boggled about Sampath and about what gives him the power to attract devotees. He bores his colleages at the BUFHM meeting by going into detail of every single flaw Sampath has.

At first, I thought that the monkeys were going to be tear the whole orchard up and create a huge mess. But, this was unexpected. I didn't think the apes that were once stealing ice cream from innocent villagers would ever turn into such nice animals. Well, at least to this point, they haven't caused any drama. Maybe mischievous acts await us.

[a monkey cleaning a man's head like how the monkeys were grooming Sampath]

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